Police Department:
607-722-1255 (Non-emergency)
Emergency Dial 911
The Port Dickinson Police Department is a full service, 24-
Department Of Public Works:
The Village Department of Public Works has two full-time employees and their jobs are to maintain the village streets by snow plowing and sanding in the winter, normal road maintenance (patching, etc.), leaf and lawn debris pickup, parks maintenance, water
Yard Waste Pickup- Lawn debris pickup begins the first Tuesday in April (weather permitting) and continues until the Leaf Pickup begins in approximately Mid October of each year. All debris must be in containers (Max. 50 lbs.). Branches must be tied in 4 foot (Max.) lengths. No Trash or Plastic bags. Place containers and/or bundles between the sidewalk and the curb for pickup.
Code Enforcement & Building Inspection:
Code Enforcement Officer and Building Inspectors are here to help you, and when there is a problem, will do their best to help in any way they can. Along with new construction, various types of upgrades, alterations
Fire Department:
607-771-8233 (Non-emergency)
Emergency Dial 911
The Village Volunteer Fire Department continues to provide fire suppression and other emergency actions whenever called upon. The fire department is always looking for new members to bolster their ranks. If you want information on becoming a member, call the number above. Your name and number will be given to a member of the fire department who will contact you to provide the answers you are looking for. The officers of the fire department are not appointed by the Village Board